about Selina

Lead from knowing yourself beyond the mind 

I have always loved working at the cutting edge of social impact and purposeful business, exploring the most effective approaches in partnership with like-minded leaders.

My own “impact journey” took me initially from a degree in literature, history and social political sciences at the University of Cambridge to a career in international development effectiveness. I worked with the GIZ to strengthen international multi-stakeholder collaboration, and developed non-profit-private partnerships between large corporations and NGOs like Save the Children and Action against Hunger.

Following my Masters at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, I moved into corporate responsibility consulting with S&Z Consultants and strategic corporate citizenship and collective impact consulting with PHINEO - United Way Germany. I worked with top leaders across different sectors internationally, helping them to drive long-term, impact-oriented social and system change.

After many inspiring years of following this purposeful path that combined my passion for people, business potential and the greater good, my own personal system asked for a reset.

Chronic illness (linked to Epstein-Barr-Virus) and stress brought my body to a standstill. Despite following strict medical and complementary protocols over the years, being as active as possible and surrounded by wonderful friends, my overall health was getting increasingly worse. When my body forced me to stop everything I was invited to go deeper. Something inside asked for a complete, holistic renewal that would enable me to live in wholesome health and freedom at all levels.

I discovered the extraordinary field and science of mind-body healing and specifically the powerful teachings and tools of The Journey method. Diving right into it, I experienced first hand how unresolved trauma and unprocessed emotional pain can become lodged in the body, creating symptomatic struggle and limited self-expression. This was the beginning of what would become a life transformation process, in which I moved through the often terrifying unknown into ever greater mental, physical and emotional freedom and strength.

With this root-cause healing approach, the illness never returned and the chronic fatigue that at several points made me wonder if my life would ever be the same again, vanished after a few years. What seemed like a constant state of stress and anxiety disappeared and my nervous system has readjusted. Most importantly and most unexpectedly, all of life is so much more relaxed, rich and beautiful than I could ever have imagined!

While on this journey and after seven years in Berlin, I joined the On Purpose Leadership Programme in London for a fantastic year of personal impact fine-tuning, systems leadership work and network-building. Alongside that I completed my qualification as an Accredited and Recommended Journey Method Practitioner*. The Practitioner's Programme is a thorough multi-stage training, involving deep self-inquiry, personal transformation and extensive case study work. I learned everything from the inside out, embodying the tools and the whole approach, and continue to do so due to its nature as a “living teaching”. I have worked with people from across the world, different backgrounds and ages.

Having experienced and witnessed the astounding results this approach offers, it felt only natural to start supporting people in one-to-one sessions, in the knowing that change starts with each of us individually. I complement the Journey method with the tools and insights gained from many hours of leadership coaching to offer clients the most powerful sessions possible. I also keep myself immersed in the development of the Journey teachings by participating in entry level and advanced retreats. In this way I can support like-minded souls while continuing to gently let go of outdated conditioning that no longer serves me or the systems I live and work in.

I’m deeply grateful for this work, for my wonderful clients, for the life I now lead - moving between city and nature in new health and connection - for all the unknown that life brings, and for the unshakeable truth and love within that guides my way.

Please get in touch for a free intro call if you need support and I look forward to meeting you!