Access your innate wisdom to heal and thrive in all areas of life

A transformational approach for
impact-oriented leaders

We partner to help you re-connect to your true self and thrive from the inside out - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Combine that with vision and inspired action and witness how your life and the world around you naturally transforms for the better - exponentially!

Through a natural process of unlocking stuck emotions, outdated belief systems and cellular memories that have been stored in the body over time, you can heal issues at the root and create powerful choices in alignment with who you really are. The results are astounding - and fast - thanks to the body’s innate intelligence and the efficiency of the subconscious mind. I've experienced and witnessed incredible transformations and truly believe this is next level personal and leadership development. If you’re ready for highly impactful, transformational, holistic coaching, I look forward to hearing from you!

The hidden power of E(nergy in)motion


HEAL mentally, emotionally, physically*, spiritually




BE THE CHANGE, be the impact

Together from intention to outcome

In a series of succinct online sessions, we work together with a range of highly effective and proven techniques that tap into the creative power between the conscious and subconscious minds. The subconscious holds the blueprint of all our inherited and conditioned programming and is astonishingly faster and more effective at processing change than the conscious mind. Therefore this is where our main focus lies. These deep-dives are naturally complemented with forward-looking, action-oriented coaching, helping you confirm on the outside the positive transformation that has taken place within. You will find that following through on your chosen next steps is much easier when your subconscious mind and body are on board and already working for you!

The systemic approach we use to harness the power of emotion is known as The Journey®* — one of the world’s most effective life transformation methods. Through unique processes that start from a place of honest self-inquiry and guided introspection, including beliefs work, visualisation, somatic coaching, inner child work, NLP, Enneagram-based personality inquiry and much more, we can access and resolve whatever is blocking or compensating true, authentic expression at the root.

Emotions are a natural and important part of the process. As science has long shown, repressed or stuck emotions block the healthy energy flow in the body, “interrupting the many feedback loops that allow the psychosomatic network to function in a natural, balanced way, and therefore setting up conditions for somatic as well as mental disorders” (C. Pert, The Molecules of Emotion, 1999: 273). Conversely, when emotions are expressed i.e. allowed to be felt, the biochemicals can flow freely, our innate life force is unleashed and the body-mind system naturally goes about its own regeneration process.

I complement the Journey method with the tools and insights gained from many hours of leadership coaching to offer clients the most powerful sessions possible. Naturally I also keep myself immersed in the development of the work by supporting and participating in advanced and entry level retreats, continuing to dive in and let go of old conditioning that no longer serves me or the systems I live and work in.

I am committed to bringing presence, openness, focus and joy to our time together. You will find that each session is unique, as each person and each moment are unique. There is no copy-pasting or rigid formula. Instead, an abundance of training and experience, skill and intuition guide the way from intention to outcome.

*There have been countless cases in which physical illness has been transmuted specifically through the tools used during our sessions (my own case included). Equally I cannot be held responsible for your personal physical healing. I partner with you to explore and address the emotional root causes of whatever is co-creating the physical symptoms and this process is highly complementary to standard western medical treatments. More information on the link between the body, mind and emotions can be found e.g. in Candace Pert, The Molecules of Emotion, 1999 or Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, 2011. And here is an example of how The Journey collaborates with medical centres to provide integrative healthcare.

*The Journey® is a leading international mind-body health and personal transformation method. Founded by Brandon Bays and based on self-inquiry and the science of cellular healing, The Journey® has helped hundreds of thousands of people across the world heal and get unstuck from diverse physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges in all areas of life.